Looking for some interactive live virtual science? Our virtual science program Science with Sal continues with three new dates for April! Join Salvina in our virtual lab for an interactive science program from the comfort of your own home. This program offers opportunities for you to embark on a hands-on learning experience no matter where you are, using easy-to-find at home materials. Whether your desire is to participate hands-on, or your prefer to observe and enjoy – we will now be using the “drop in” format for programming. Join using the following link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5199316471 .
The live virtual science sessions will take place for 3 weeks consecutively on Thursdays from 2:00pm – 2:30pm with the first session starting on April 7th. On the Monday of that program week, a pre-recording of the science experiment which we will be doing together on Thursday will be posted. NOTE: Registration is no longer required for this program.
*Adult supervision required for all live sessions
We will post any updates to our in-person and virtual programs on our Facebook page, so check back often .https://www.facebook.com/CreatingTogetherParkdale