Spring is finally here, and it’s the perfect weather to get outside as a family! Are you looking for educational but easy spring-themed nature crafts? Check out a few ideas below….

Though this project takes a little more adult-prep or prep-supervision, it’s an adorable activity to enjoy on a long walk, and can be re-used a few times! Save cardboard from a cereal box, add a face, and poke pencil holes. Then take your lion on a family walk and add dandelions to create the mane.
Read more: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5lbmzjuZIf/?igsh=MWNyOWtyZzk1aDBmZg%3D%3D

Nature Bracelets
Short on time? This activity takes almost no planning and no prep, yet has a big payoff! Using packing tape, take a strip and wrap it around wrists, sticky side out. Take a walk and select different pieces of nature to add to your bracelet!
Read more: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5iohtSu8S5/?igsh=MTRqbnM4NzZycDhoeQ%3D%3D

Nature Puzzle
Though this activity also takes preparation, it too can be reused. Draw a large shape on a piece of paper or piece of cardboard. For an older child, choose a more challenging shape. Then, collect nature items to use as puzzle pieces, and when you get home, challenge your child to fill the shape!
Follow the links under each activity for further information.
What do you think of these ideas? Let us know in the comments below!